Really, I am suppossed to keep four and five year olds off a mountain of mulch?!?! Okay, we will all try very hard but it is so tempting....
Anyway, we did talk about the mountain of mulch (which will disappear sometime before Monday). We know we can't climb on it because we might fall, we might get buried, we might get hurt...What we don't know is how did it get here!!!! After some brainstorming here is the list of possibilities we came up:
40 dump trucks, 10 dump trucks, some dump truck
10 dumps and some shovels, a tractor
some people working together, Holy Moly!!
maybe a puppy, a gigantic puppy
(they do like to dig) or JoJo
or maybe just a run of the mill stinky truck
In all fairness, JoJo likes to dig as well.